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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Establishing the methodology of semiotics historically and dilineating its practical value

Establishing the methodology of semiotics historically and dilineating its practical value

by Layne Jason on Monday, February 7, 2011 at 9:04am ·

My study of semiotics has reached many areas of mythology that span a substantial period of time going far back as the legend of Gilgamesh and moving forward into contemporary literature and computer generated sources (i.e. hypertext).  My recent work with social networking have taken me into the area of what might be considered fundamental business applications. 

As such a better understanding of what precisely is entailed in the semiotic field from both a theoretical and practical point-of-view is required.  In essence, the practice of semiotics has been present throughout the centuries without necessarily being called semiotics.  Therefore a starting point into the circle of this study is required.  More in this regard will be discussed in regard to hermeneutics.  Briefly explained, hermeneutics begins with the study of scripture with the intent of arriving at a singular reading of the bible in such a way that the voice and will of god is not only understood but agreed upon by all.  This particular study has lead me to the study of medeival semiotics where the struggles between logical and scientific thought as secular vs. sacred readings created quite a problem for these individuals.  Make no mistake that proper interpretaion of the bible realized throughout the population was no small source of concern and fear to the powers that be.  If anyone could read the bible then the leaders would essentially loose their hold on others and so find their source of power seriously diminished.  This sort of thing goes on in the secular world as well.  Again, this is a topic to gradually be expanded in these writings.

For the moment I begin with a general overview of semiotics as it relates to specific areas.  For instance, there is the semiotics of language, clothing, jewelery, precious stones, architecture, etc.  The specific areas continue to grow. 

Look for more specific discussion in this regard understanding that we as human beings in a technological age practice semiotics in most areas of our lives.  What we do not do is remain attentive to it simply because it would take up too much of our time and seriously impact or appear to do so our ability to 'get things done.' 

However, I argue that once we understand the significance of this field and consider it more carefully more gets done and in a much more effective way.  The function of public school education is just one area where one may consider such value.  The running or corporate meetings another.  The generation of promotion and marketing yet another.  The list goes on.

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